Migration / Modernization

The NAJA solution is the only solution on the market that automates 100% of migration from legacy Natural / Adabas systems to Java / Relational. A fast and efficient conversion, which guarantees modernization, making all applications automatically available on the WEB.

Among the benefits of the migration service are the reduction of costs, reduced project time and fast approval, with a significant technological upgrade.

After the homologation approval, it is possible to expand and enrich the visual quality on the application screens (modernization in the presentation layer), without changing the programming logic, using the map editor of the new platform NAJA IDE.

With NAJA technology, the migration to the Java / Relational world can be done to the current platforms, or to other platforms identified by the customer as more productive or less expensive. By offering a 100% automated migration process, NAJA guarantees speed and efficiency without requiring special resources or knowledge that require long periods of learning. New technologies are supported through the addition of new commands to the NAJA language, including Web Services, E-Mail, Message Queuing, among others, and the possibility of programming Java code within the NAJA language.

Strict adherence to market standards ensures full compatibility with Java and Relational architectures, thus representing an excellent opportunity for legacy systems and information to have their functionalities expanded, enriched and extended to other users, systems and market tools.

Modules that make up the solution

Naja IDE


Naja Connection Server

Access to multiple and distributed RDBMS (X/Open XA Support)

Naja Web Services


Naja Message Queuing

Native Support
to MQ

Naja Deploy

Package and

Naja Care

Customer Support and
Assistance System

Naja Data Engine

conversion tools

Naja Defense

High granularity security
compatible with JAAS specification

Naja Report Server


Naja File Server

file handling

Naja Language & Compiler

Language and

Naja Community

NAJA Environment for
da Community Integration

Naja Metrics

Source Code Inventory


72, Cláudio Soares Street
2° floor, cj 204
Pinheiros - São Paulo
